Why are Believers so Easily Offended by Atheism?

It has been normalized for the general public to openly talk about their religion if it's mainstream. In the United States, hearing Christians talk about Jesus in everyday conversation like everyone accepts that he's real is commonplace. When I was a Pagan, I quickly learned the dangers of openly expressing my religious views. Even having … Continue reading Why are Believers so Easily Offended by Atheism?

Genuinely “Good News”

Star cluster. Westerlund 2. Star cluster. Westerlund 2. Constellation: CarinaNASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), and the Westerlund 2 Science Team. 24 February 2015 I'm a former Christian and pagan. I used to think that I could never be an atheist because that would mean completely questioning the existence of deity. This idea used to … Continue reading Genuinely “Good News”