Genuinely “Good News”

Star cluster. Westerlund 2. Star cluster. Westerlund 2. Constellation: Carina
NASAESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), and the Westerlund 2 Science Team.
24 February 2015

I’m a former Christian and pagan. I used to think that I could never be an atheist because that would mean completely questioning the existence of deity. This idea used to scare me; therefore, I can understand why believers do not want to admit this; however, once I had to admit to myself that I cannot prove the existence of deity, I knew that I was lying to myself.
I have since embraced living truthfully by questioning everything.
To my surprise, it has been a freeing experience.
Instead of questions being answered by lies that cannot be proven true, I have questions that are not yet answered, but still being explored. I have found that questions are good and do not need immediate answers–even ones that are believed answered by religion, which even believers have to admit are dishonest.
It’s a far more peaceful way to live. I do not need to believe in deity or go by feeling because I have proof for the universe. It exists. I can see amazing images of space and know that it’s really there. We’re all part of it. How beautiful it is to know that and not have to struggle to answer it with excuses thought up by strangers who did not yet know the advanced knowledge that we have today.

This is the “Good News.”

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